The second in a series of five-day training sessions, under the Volcano Ready communities Project, will be held this week which began on 4th November.
A National Consultation to review the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tsunami Warning Protocol will take place at the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) office on Tuesday, 8th October - Wednesday, 9th October, 2019 beginning at 8:30 a.m. each day.
The Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross Society (SVG Red Cross) in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) will host a three (3) day Logistics Training for Efficient Disaster Management in the Caribbean Workshop which will commence on Wednesday October 02, 2019.
The Electoral Office wishes to advise the constituents of North Central Windward that registration will take place at Park Hill Government School on Wednesday 4th and 25th September, 2019; and NOT Georgetown Government School and South Rivers Methodist School as previously advertised.