To develop and maintain a peaceful, safe and secure environment, nation-wide, in which citizens and visitors can have confidence and be willing to invest in areas critical to national development, re: air and sea ports and renewable energy.
To be instrumental in reducing the crime rate.
- To develop and maintain discipline and accountability throughout the Ministry of National Security.
- To manage the Police Services in accordance with the Police Service Act/Regulation
- To maintain a high level of security throughout the state
- To control and regulate traffic in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
- To efficiently manage and control the Fire Services throughout the state.
- To patrol and secure the waters of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and provide emergency assistance at sea.
- To maintain a stable prison environment in accordance with the Regulations.
- To manage the electoral system in accordance with existing Regulations.
Target Audience
The target audience includes the air and sea operators, and the general public.